Thursday, May 13, 2010


I have a problem, I'll admit it. My parents have lived through this with me for years and my live-in boyfriend is beginning to grasp the extent of my issues, but I cannot help it. It's just the way things work for me no matter how hard I try to focus.

My problem? I start projects, numerous projects, and am lucky if I finish one of them. Every time I start one thing, it'll consume my attention for a few days and then slowly it fades as another project takes shape. I have notebooks, word documents, and bucket lists listing random projects/hobbies/interests to do, but have barely made a dent in the list. Granted, the shorter a project takes the more likely I am to finish, but I have ongoing projects that I have been lingering for years to I complete. The oldest project to date is 7 years in the making now and I'm nowhere closer to being done with that project.

So here is a blog of projects that I am/have undertaken. Some blog subjects may take months/years/never to reach a conclusion and I apologize, but what can you do, I have never figured out how to focus fully on just one thing at a time.

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