Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bottling beer

I would definitely enjoy making beer more if there was no sanitizing. It took over an hour today to sanitize the bottling bucket, tubes, hydrometer, caps and beer bottles (and this doesn't count the hour I spent last night peeling off all the beer labels). All this cleaning and scrubbing was just prep work for bottling. The actually bottling part was fun - kind of mindless - but enjoyable since this is the second to last step before waiting 2 weeks to drink. In total, I spent about 4 hours from getting everything ready to putting the filled bottles away to carbonate.

In summary, for $45 + x gallons of water used for the beer and even more for sanitizing + approximately 7 man hours, I made:
  • 28 x 12-oz bottles of beer +
  • 12 x 22-oz bottles of beer

Would I do it again? Probably, but not until this beer supply goes down and I accumulate enough bottles again.

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