Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Screenprinting T-shirts

For an upcoming girls' weekend in Milwaukee, I decided to screen my own t-shirts. I had done this once before on white t-shirts, but never on colored t-shirts, so I wasn't sure how it was going to come out. It took 3 shirts to finally get the hang of screenprinting a lighter color paint on a dark shirt. The first 2 prints came out too light (pushed paint through too much) and the third print was too thick that some of the paint stuck to the screen and not the shirt (didn't push enough paint through). The happy medium was doing a few heavy strokes of paint followed by a lighter stroke of paint. I still had to go back through all the shirts and do touch ups, but the fourth and fifth shirt touch ups were much easier than the other three.

The screen itself was made from 1" x 2" wood, cut and brad nailed into a picture frame. The I used a screen cloth found at a fabric store and tightly canvased the frame with it. After tracing on the design, I painted on Mod Podge glue to cover the areas that shouldn't get paint.

A finished product below:

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